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Sensys Traffic AB signs three-party agreement in Oman


SENSYS Traffic AB signed a three-party agreement today with the Royal Oman Police as end-customer and their partner Trifoil, regarding an order that Sensys received in April this year.

The contract embraces the delivery of systems for red-light enforcement systems in Oman, and is confirmation of an order worth SEK 24 million that Sensys received from Trifoil in April.

According to the contract, Sensys will provide systems for red-light enforcement of certain complex crossroads in Muscat. The systems will use Sensys' new RS242 radar, which apart from registering traffic violations also identifies lanes and classifies vehicles.

"The order confirms our leading technical position within traffic enforcement for greater traffic safety. The customer has chosen our systems for red-light monitoring in the capital city of Muscat, with its complex and challenging crossroads. Through signing an agreement with the Oman police, we obtain complete transparency towards the end-customer, which reduces risks for all parties," says Johan Frilund, CEO of Sensys Traffic AB.

The delivery, which has already started, will be completed during the year. Sensys also has the possibility to sign maintenance and service contracts after the expiry of the guarantee period.

Johan Frilund, CEO
Mobile: +46 (0)73-274 28 23

Sensys Traffic develops and markets various systems for traffic informatics and traffic safety. The products are primarily used for speed and red-light enforcement. The Sensys share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.