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Sensys obtains new order in Latin America
SENSYS Traffic AB has received a new order worth SEK 2 million for speed and red-light enforcement with delivery to a Latin American customer.
Sensys has previously made deliveries to this customer, and obtained earlier this month an order worth SEK 2 million for speed and red-light enforcement systems. This order is now being increased by SEK 2 million. The delivery is expected to take place during the summer, and will be mainly taken from existing inventories.
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 11.30 am on 21 May 2013.
Johan Frilund, CEO
Mobile: +46 73-274 28 23
E-mail: johan.frilund@sensys.se
Sensys Traffic AB develops and markets various systems for traffic informatics and traffic safety. The products are primarily used for speed and red-light enforcement. The Sensys share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Further information is available at www.sensys.se.