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Sensys wins new procurement contract from the Swedish Transport Administration
SENSYS Traffic AB has received a procurement award decision from the Swedish Transport Administration stating that Sensys has won the procurement contract for new measurement cabinets for traffic-safety cameras in Sweden. The decision may be appealed during a period of 10 days. The overall value of the contract cannot be currently quantified.
The measurement cabinets are being procured to replace existing cabinets, as well as for the future expansion of traffic-safety cameras installed across the Swedish road network. Sensys' tender was the only one that fulfilled the procurement requirements.
The Swedish Transport Administration announced on 26 April that Sensys had won the procurement contract for new traffic-safety cameras. This additional contract for measurement cabinets will likewise be for three years, with an option to extend up to a further six years.
"The contract for measurement cabinets has important strategic significance because we thereby become overall supplier of traffic-safety systems to the Swedish Transport Administration – a position that we have not held previously," says Johan Frilund, CEO of Sensys Traffic AB.
During a period of 10 days, tenderers may submit a request for re-examination of the Transport Administration's award decision. Such requests shall first be considered by the Administrative Court before the Transport Administration may sign a contract with a chosen supplier. It is very common that tenderers submit a request for re-examination in conjunction with public procurement contracts, and which indeed occurred with the procurement of traffic-safety cameras. Sensys will make an announcement when the contract has been signed.
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 10.10am on 22 May 2013.
Johan Frilund, CEO
Mobile: +46 (0)73-274 28 23
E-mail: johan.frilund@sensys.se
Sensys Traffic AB develops and markets various systems for traffic informatics and traffic safety. The products are primarily used for speed and red-light enforcement. The Sensys share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Further information is available at www.sensys.se.