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Sensys receives Asian order worth SEK 1 million
SENSYS Traffic AB, a global supplier of traffic safety solutions, has today received a pilot order for speed enforcement from a customer in Asia.
The order embraces the delivery of systems for speed enforcement in an urban environment. The system, which will be tested prior to a forthcoming investment decision, has features and design adapted to the customer's unique environment and requirements. Sensys believes that delivery of the pilot systems will take place during the summer 2014, with subsequent evaluation during the autumn.
"This is the first order in accordance with our new market concept "Design-Function-Precision", where the customer has participated and influenced the design of the systems. We are looking forward very much to the results of the evaluation to be carried out in the autumn," says Johan Frilund, CEO of Sensys Traffic AB.
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 10.30 am on 13 May 2014.
For further information, please contact:
Johan Frilund, CEO
Mobile: +46 (0)73-274 28 23
E-mail: johan.frilund@sensys.se
Sensys Traffic AB develops and markets various systems for traffic informatics and traffic safety. The products are primarily used for speed and red-light enforcement. The Sensys share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.