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Sensys receives 1.6 MSEK supplementary order from Sweden
SENSYS Traffic AB, a global supplier of traffic safety solutions, today received a supplementary order from the Swedish Transport Administration for material for system installation.
The order is for supplying material for installation of cabinets and systems in conjunction with setting up new ATK stations in accordance with the options stated in the contract signed in 2013.
In July 2013 Sensys Traffic signed a contract with the Transport Administration for systems and cabinets as well as maintenance for the Swedish ATK system. This year Sensys is supplying replacement systems and installation of new systems within the ATK framework. The contracts run for 3 years with the possibility of extensions up to 9 years. The ATK system, whose task it is to save lives through improved speed enforcement, is a principal component in Sweden's zero-tolerance ambition.
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 04 July 2014 at 11:00.
For further information:
CEO Johan Frilund
Cellphone: +46 (0)73-274 28 23
e-mail: johan.frilund@sensys.se
SENSYS® Traffic AB develops, markets and delivers various products for traffic safety and traffic informatics. The products are primarily used for speed and red-light enforcement. The SENSYS® share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For further information, go to www.sensys.se.