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Abington, Pennsylvania, extends contract with Gatso USA
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received a two-year extension to its managed services contract with the City of Abington, PA.
Sensys Gatso Group's North American operations, Gatso USA, Inc., has been operating Abington’s photo enforcement program for one year and has just received an extension to the contract for an additional two years. There are only two photo enforcement programs in Pennsylvania; Philadelphia and Abington. Seventeen other eligible cities have yet to enter into photo enforcement programs after enabling legislation was passed in 2013.
"It is a privilege to receive this extension from the City of Abington as it demonstrates the shared commitment and partnership between Gatso and the City stakeholders to deliver a quality safety program to the residents of Abington”, says Andrew Noble, President of Gatso USA, Inc.
This is information that Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) must publish pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 18 September 2015 at 08:30.
Sensys Gatso Group is the leading supplier of system solutions for traffic safety in the field of traffic enforcement systems. Sensys Gatso has subsidiaries in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA, and a branch office in the United Arab Emirates. The Sensys Gatso Group’s shares are listed at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The Group has 200 employees and is the result of a merger of Sensys Traffic AB and Gatso Beheer B.V. following Sensys Traffic’s acquisition of Gatso Beheer. Sensys Traffic had net sales of SEK 160.6 million during 2014 and Gatso Beheer has proforma net sales of SEK 275.5 million during the financial year ending on 30 September 2014.