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Order worth EUR 740,000 to Gatso, to be acquired by Sensys
SENSYS Traffic AB, a global supplier of traffic safety solutions, entered an agreement to acquire GATSO Beheer B.V., leading provider of traffic enforcement solutions, on the 22nd of June 2015. Gatso has now received an order worth EUR 740,000 for traffic safety systems and back office consulting in the Middle East.
The order is for a new customer in the Middle East, and involves consultancy to prepare for a complete back-office solution for processing traffic infringements, as well a the supply of red light and speed camera systems. The order is expected to be delivered during the third quater 2015.
Gatso's Managing Director Timo Gatsonides comments: "We are proud of this first delivery of digital systems to this Middle Eastern country. And we are very pleased that we are asked by the customer to advise them on an optimal solution for handling traffic infringements. This is a recognition of our expertise in delivering complete solutions for improving traffic safety".
Sensys acquisition of Gatso Beheer is expected to be finalised on the 31st of July 2015 following an approval by the Extra General Meeting in Sensys on the 24th of July 2015
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this pressrelease pursuant to the swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was submitted for publication 8:30 on 26 June 2015.
For further information:
Torbjörn Sandberg,CEO
Mobile: +4676-843 43 76
E-mail: torbjorn.sandberg@sensys.se
Sensys Traffic is a leading supplier of traffic enforcement systems. Sensys develops, markets and sells systems that are mainly used for speed enforcement and red-light enforcement. The company also provides servicing and maintenance alongside sales of systems. Sensys Traffic’s end customers are primarily police and road authorities throughout the world, as well as private operators. The company sells direct to customers, or via partners, agents and distributors. Sensys Traffic is headquartered in Jönköping and its shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. The company has 42 employees and its sales in 2014 totaled SEK 160.6 million.