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Interim Report for January-June 2015
April–June 2015
- Net sales increased to SEK 64.5 m (44.2)
- Orders booked increased to SEK 23.0 m (15.0).
- The operating profit totalled SEK 17.5 m (6.7).
- Operating margin increased to 27.1 per cent (15.1).
- The profit after taxation totalled SEK 13.5 m (5.2).
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, totalled SEK 0.02 (0.01)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 18.8 m (1.1).
January–June 2015
- Net sales increased to SEK 118.8 (58.8).
- Orders booked increased to SEK 66.2 m (28.5).
- The operating profit totalled SEK 34.6 m (1.7),
- The operating margin increased to 29.2 per cent (2.9).
- The profit after taxation totalled SEK 26.9 m (1.3).
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, totalled SEK 0.05 (0.00).
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 38.7 m (7.5).
Comments from the CEO
Net sales during the second quarter increased by 46 per cent, totalling SEK 64.5 million (44.2). This strong growth was driven primarily by deliveries to the Swedish Transport Administration as well as deliveries to customers in the Middle East. We delivered an operating profit of SEK 17.5 million, compared with SEK 6.7 million in the same quarter in 2014.
On 23 June, Sensys presented its plans for the acquisition of Gatso Beheer B.V, a leading Dutch supplier of system and service solutions for traffic enforcement. Gatso, with a head office in the Netherlands, generated net sales of SEK 276 million (October 2013-September 2014) and had 160 employees in five countries.
The new, merged company, Sensys Gatso Group, will be significantly stronger than the individual companies and will assume a significant, leading position in the traffic safety market, with a unique offering in the managed services market. The merged company will have a strong presence in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia, with a foothold in the market for managed services in North America.
The acquisition was conducted in order to provide Sensys shareholders with a company that will more quickly:
• generate regular, more stable revenues
• expand internationally
• create a starting position as a supplier of services and software
The acquisition of Gatso Beheer was completed on 31 July, after the end of the quarter. I would like to welcome the new employees to Sensys Gatso Group and look forward to an exciting, shared future for the companies.
Invitation to presentation for press and analysts
On 27 August at 09:30, CEO Torbjörn Sandberg will present the report and answer questions in an audiocast. The presentation can be followed on the Internet via the link on Sensys’ website: www.sensys.se. It is also possible to listen to the presentation and ask questions by phone, via the following numbers:
Sweden: +46 8 505 20 114
USA: +1 334 323 6203
UK +44 207 1620 177
Password: Sensys. Please call ten minutes before the time specified.
This is information that Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) must publish pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act.
The information was submitted for publication on 27 August 2015 at 08:30.
Sensys Gatso Group is the leading supplier of system solutions for traffic safety in the field of traffic enforcement systems. Sensys Gatso has subsidiaries in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA, and a branch office in the United Arab Emirates. The Sensys Gatso Group’s shares are listed at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The Group has 200 employees and is the result of a merger of Sensys Traffic AB and Gatso Beheer B.V. following Sensys Traffic’s acquisition of Gatso Beheer. Sensys Traffic had net sales of SEK 160.6 million during 2014 and Gatso Beheer had a proforma net sales of SEK 275.5 million during the financial year ending on 30 September 2014.