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Torbjörn Sandberg new CEO of Sensys Traffic – leads the company into an expansive phase
Sensys Traffic is moving into a new phase with a new CEO. Having established itself as a strong player in the market, the company is now entering a new phase in which the focus is on growth, both organic and through acquisitions, continued internationalisation and business development. Torbjörn Sandberg is replacing Johan Frilund, who will assume responsibility for strategic business development following this change.
The conditions for Sensys Traffic to continue to expand have never been better. The company’s sales successes in Sweden have recently been followed up by increased order activity from the Middle East, and profitability is stable.
The company’s strategy is clear. “We want to grow, both organically and through acquisitions, and to further develop the company. We will continue to grow internationally and reach a number of new markets, while at the same time we need to expand our product portfolio with new services,” says Gunnar Jardelöv, Chairman of the Board at Sensys Traffic.
As Sensys Traffic now moves into the next phase, Johan Frilund has decided to stand down as CEO in order to focus in full on the company’s long-term development. After seven years as CEO, Johan Frilund will be assuming responsibility for the implementation of a number of the company’s strategic projects.
“Johan Frilund has played a major role in the company’s successes. He has built up our strong market position, which we will now continue to further develop with a new CEO. As Johan can now focus on business development, we can make the most of his valuable knowledge of the company and the market,” says Gunnar Jardelöv.
Torbjörn Sandberg, who is currently a member of the company’s Board of Directors, has been appointed as the new CEO of Sensys Traffic.
Torbjörn Sandberg has more than 20 years’ experience in senior positions in the field of data and telecommunication, including the post of CEO at Birdstep Technology, listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. He has been on the Board at Sensys Traffic since 2012 and joins the company from the position of CEO at Netadmin Systems.
“This is an exciting assignment, and I look forward to leading Sensys Traffic into the next, expansive phase. I am convinced that I will benefit from my experienced as CEO of a listed company, with a strong emphasis on global sales and mergers and acquisitions,” says Torbjörn Sandberg.
Torbjörn Sandberg will take up the position of CEO at Sensys Traffic on 18 May.
Sensys Traffic is obliged to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was submitted for publication at 08:00 on 23 March 2015.
Gunnar Jardelöv, Chairman of the Board, +46 (0)70-834 81 48
Johan Frilund, outgoing CEO, +46 (0)73-274 28 23
Torbjörn Sandberg, newly appointed CEO, +46 (0)76-843 43 76
Sensys Traffic is a leading supplier of traffic enforcement systems. Sensys develops, markets and sells systems that are mainly used for speed enforcement and red-light enforcement. The company also provides servicing and maintenance alongside sales of systems. Sensys Traffic’s end customers are primarily police and road authorities throughout the world, as well as private operators. The company sells direct to customers, or via partners, agents and distributors. Sensys Traffic is headquartered in Jönköping and its shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. The company has 41 employees and its sales in 2014 totalled SEK 160.6 million.