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Nomination committee appointed for Annual General Meeting 2017
In accordance with the annual general meeting’s decision, the chairman of the board of directors has convened a nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2017.
Pursuant to the decision at the annual general meeting 2016, Sensys Gatso Group’s nomination committee shall consist of five members. The members shall be representatives appointed by each of the four largest shareholders (in terms of voting rights) that wish to participate in the committee and the chairman of the board of directors. If a nomination committee comprising five members (including the chairman) is not obtained after having contacted the eight largest shareholders, the chairman shall continue to contact the shareholders that are next in turn until a nomination committee comprising four members (including the chairman) has been obtained.
The members of the nomination committee have now been appointed based on the ownership structure as at 30 September 2016. Timo Gatsonides (representative for own and closely related parties’ holdings) is the chairman of the nomination committee. The other owner representatives are Gunilla Nyström, appointed by AMF Pension, and Jan Johansson, appointed by Inger Bergstrand. The nomination committee further includes Claes Ödman, chairman of the board of directors in Sensys Gatso Group.
The shareholders that have appointed members of the nomination committee jointly represents approximately 26.5 per cent of the voting rights in the company.
The nomination committee are to prepare and present proposals to the annual general meeting 2017 on, inter alia, the chairman of the meeting, the board of directors, the chairman of the board of directors, the board of directors’ remuneration and auditor and auditor remuneration.
The annual general meeting will be held on Thursday 18 May 2017.
Information on the nomination committee’s work is available on the web page of Sensys Gatso Group, www.sensysgatso.com. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee should send their proposals to t.gatsonides@sensysgatso.com.
Jönköping 14 October 2016
Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ.)
Sensys Gatso is a global leader in traffic management solutions for nations, cities and fleet owners. Sensys Gatso has subsidiaries in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA, and a branch office in the United Arab Emirates. The Sensys Gatso Group’s shares are listed at NASDAQ Stockholm. The Group has 202 employees and is the result of a merger of Sensys Traffic AB and Gatso Beheer B.V. following Sensys Traffic’s acquisition of Gatso Beheer.