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Annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB
The annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB was held on 19 May 2016 in Jönköping.
Board of Directors
The annual general meeting resolved to re-elect Claes Ödman, Ingemar Skogö, Jochem Garritsen and to elect Katarina Staaf, Pia Hofstedt and Kerstin Sjöstrand as members of the Board of Directors for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting.
The annual general meeting elected Claes Ödman as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The annual general meeting resolved to elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. PricewaterhouseCoopers AB has appointed the authorised public accountant Martin Odqvist as auditor in charge.
Remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor
The annual general meeting resolved that the remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors shall be SEK 1,175,000, to be allocated as follows: SEK 300,000 to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and SEK 175,000 each to the other members of the Board of Directors. The annual general meeting further resolved that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoice within framework of the submitted quotation.
Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives
The annual general meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal on remuneration guidelines for senior executives.
Issuance authorisation
In accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, the annual general meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors, for the period until the next annual general meeting, to resolve on new issues of shares corresponding to not more than ten per cent of the total number of outstanding shares in the company.
Acquisition and transfer of own shares
In accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, the annual general meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors, for the period until the next annual general meeting, to resolve on acquisition and transfer of own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The company’s holding of own shares at any given time must not exceed five per cent of the total number of shares in the company.
Jönköping, 2016-05-20
Board of Directors
This is information that Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) must publish pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 20 May 2016 at 08:30.
Sensys Gatso Group AB is a global leader in traffic management solutions for nations, cities and fleet owners. Sensys Gatso Group has subsidiaries in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the USA, and a branch office in the United Arab Emirates. The Sensys Gatso Group’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The Group has 175 employees and is the result of a merger of Sensys Traffic AB and Gatso Beheer B.V. following the aquistion of Gatso Beheer.