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Order from Australia worth SEK 12 million
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has through its subsidiary Sensys Gatso Australia received an order worth AUD 1.8 million, corresponding to SEK 12 million for the supply of In-vehicle based traffic safety systems and services to the Victorian Government.
Sensys Gatso signs framework agreement for Point-to-Point systems in the Netherlands
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has today through its subsidiary Sensys Gatso Netherlands BV, signed a framework agreement for 10 Point-to-Point systems on rural roads from the Dutch Department of Justice. The framework agreement estimated to be worth SEK 66 million also includes a six year maintenance and operations contract. The framework agreement is a result of and based upon the procurement award announced in our press release of the 7th of June. Together with this framework agreement, a contract for delivery of the first Point-to-Point system has been signed.
Sensys Gatso wins Managed Services takeover contract worth estimated SEK 8 million
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, through its subsidiary, Sensys Gatso USA, is taking over the automated speed enforcement program in Monroeville, OH, from its previous provider. The expected sales over the contract period of 5-years is estimated at SEK 8 million.
Sensys Gatso wins Managed Services takeover contract worth estimated SEK 18 million
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, through its subsidiary, Sensys Gatso USA, is taking over the automated speed enforcement program in New Miami, OH, from its previous provider. The expected sales over the contract period of 5-years amounts USD 2 million, corresponding to SEK 18 million.
Sensys Gatso receives a procurement award for Point-to-Point systems in the Netherlands of SEK 66 million
The Dutch Department of Justice (DoJ) has selected Sensys Gatso Group, through its subsidiary Sensys Gatso Netherlands BV, to supply, install, maintain and operate Point-to-Point systems on rural roads in the Netherlands. The procurement award is worth EUR 6.6 million corresponding to SEK 66 million. The award will be converted into a contract if no appeal is filed within three weeks.
Sensys Gatso receives award for traffic safety in Belgium
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety systems, through its subsidiary, Sensys Gatso Netherlands, has received a four-year procurement award, from the Belgium Walloon Government for the delivery of traffic-safety cameras. The procurement award is estimated to be worth up to SEK 27 million.
Sensys Gatso wins Managed Services contract for Upper Marlboro, Maryland worth estimated SEK 9 Million
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, through its subsidiary, Sensys Gatso USA, will be providing a speed and red light photo enforcement program to the town of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, USA.
Sensys Gatso signs contract for traffic safety in Finland
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has signed a three-year contract with Oulun Energia Urakointi Oy for the delivery of traffic-safety cameras. The contract is estimated to be worth up to SEK 30 million.
Annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB
The annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB was held on 17 May 2018 in Jönköping.
Interim report Jan - March 2018
January - March 2018
- Net sales MSEK 71.7 (70.7)
- Order intake MSEK 52.8 (68.6)
- Operating profit MSEK -14.9 (-17.3)
- EBITDA MSEK -6.0 (-7.6)
- The profit after tax MSEK -13.1 (-16.4)
- Total Comprehensive income MSEK -1.7 (-16.4)
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, SEK -0.02 (-0.02)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK 3.5 (-8.5)