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ATK saves lives in Sweden

The Swedish ATK system (National Speed Enforcement Program) celebrates 10 year. Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has been the supplier of the technology during all of those years.


Interim Report Q2

April – June 2016
(Numbers 2015 for Sensys Traffic stand alone)
- Net sales MSEK 100.0 (64.5)
- Order intake MSEK 61.4 (23.0)
- EBITDA MSEK 6.5 (17.8)
- The profit after tax MSEK -0.9 (13.5)
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, SEK 0.00 (0.02)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK 12.0 (19.1)
- Adj. EBITDA MSEK 1.8

January – June 2016
(Numbers 2015 for Sensys Traffic stand alone)
- Net sales MSEK 264.2 (118.8)
- Order intake MSEK 88.5 (66.2)
- EBITDA MSEK 9.8 (36.7)
- The profit after tax MSEK -20.9 (26.9)
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, SEK -0.03 (0.05)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK 14.6 (38.8)
- Adj. EBITDA MSEK 35.2


Order from MENA worth EUR 1 million

Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received an order for traffic safety systems worth EUR 1 million from a customer in MENA (Middle East North Africa).


Orders from the United Arab Emirates worth EUR 1.5 million

Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received orders for traffic safety systems worth EUR 1.5 million from the United Arab Emirates.


Order from Latvia

Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has through its partner RECK received a first order from the Latvian Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD) covering traffic safety systems in Latvia. The appeal of the award notice from a competitor, which delayed the contract signing between RECK and CSDD, was rejected on 2 June 2016.


Annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB

The annual general meeting in Sensys Gatso Group AB was held on 19 May 2016 in Jönköping.


Interim Report for January-March 2016

January–March 2016

- Net sales amounted to SEK 164.1 m (54.3)
- Order intake amounted to SEK 27.1 m (43.2)
- One off cost for the transformation program amounts to SEK 30.0 m
- The EBITDA (adj.) totalled SEK 33.4 m (17.4)
- The operating profit (adj.) totalled SEK 15.6 m (17.2)
- The operating margin (adj.) was 9.5 per cent (31.6)
- The profit after taxation (adj.) totalled SEK 10.1 m (13.5)
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, totalled SEK -0.03 (0.02)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 4.2 m (19.9)
(Numbers Q1 2015 are for Sensys Traffic stand alone)

Change of Sensys Gatso Group AB’s Nomination Committee’s proposals to the annual general meeting 2016

On 15 April 2016 the nomination committed published its proposals to the annual general meeting regarding inter alia: confirmation of the number of board members, confirmation of board remuneration and election of board of directors.


Update regarding the project in Latvia

Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has been informed that the contract signing in the Latvian project that was disclosed through a press release on April 11, 2016, has been delayed.


Sensys Gatso Group publishes annual report for 2015

Sensys Gatso Group AB, a global supplier of traffic safety solutions, has published the annual report for 2015 and it is now available at the company’s web site:

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