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Order from Sweden worth 55 MSEK
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received an order from the Swedish Transport Administration on speed enforcement systems for the national traffic safety camera program.
Contract award in Southern California worth 2,4 MUSD
Gatso USA, the North American subsidiary to Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has been selected to upgrade the red light camera technology at eight existing photo-enforced intersections in a Californian city.
Abington, Pennsylvania, extends contract with Gatso USA
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received a two-year extension to its managed services contract with the City of Abington, PA.
Order from France worth EUR 728,000
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received an additional order for in-vehicle speed enforcement systems worth EUR 728,000, corresponding to 6,8 MSEK, from France.
Increased number of shares and votes in Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ)
Sensys Gatso Group has, in accordance with information previously made public, conducted a new issue of a total of 115,920,763 shares. The issue of shares has resulted in changes in the share capital and the number of shares and votes in Sensys Gatso Group.
Interim Report for January-June 2015
April–June 2015
- Net sales increased to SEK 64.5 m (44.2)
- Orders booked increased to SEK 23.0 m (15.0).
- The operating profit totalled SEK 17.5 m (6.7).
- Operating margin increased to 27.1 per cent (15.1).
- The profit after taxation totalled SEK 13.5 m (5.2).
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, totalled SEK 0.02 (0.01)
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 18.8 m (1.1).
January–June 2015
- Net sales increased to SEK 118.8 (58.8).
- Orders booked increased to SEK 66.2 m (28.5).
- The operating profit totalled SEK 34.6 m (1.7),
- The operating margin increased to 29.2 per cent (2.9).
- The profit after taxation totalled SEK 26.9 m (1.3).
- Earnings per share, before and after dilution, totalled SEK 0.05 (0.00).
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 38.7 m (7.5).
Order from the Middle East worth EUR 680,000
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received an additional order for traffic safety systems worth EUR 680,000, corresponding to 6,5 MSEK, from a customer in the Middle East.
New organization in Sensys Gatso Group
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, announces a new organization.
Orders from the UK worth EUR 845,000
Sensys Gatso Group, a global leader in traffic safety solutions, has received orders from the United Kingdom (UK) worth EUR 845,000 (SEK 8,4 million).
SENSYS Traffic AB (publ) completes the acquisition of Gatso Beheer
Sensys Traffic AB (publ) (”Sensys Traffic”) has today completed the acquisition of Gatso Beheer B.V. (”Gatso”).