Always the right enforcement solution for your road safety objectives
Effective road safety solutions always start with knowing your needs, requirements and challenges. In this way we can properly provide an automated enforcement solution that contributes to your road safety objectives, assuring protection for all road users. This can be a customized solution that meets your specific needs. But our firm road safety commitment does not change if your needs are served by our well-established turn-key solutions. We offer a full range of automated traffic enforcement systems. For speed enforcement from overt fixed to covert in-vehicle and from mobile roadside to fixed in-tunnel systems. Intersections can be secured by various combinations of red-light and speed enforcement systems. In every step of the process our experts will use their long-standing experience to listen, advise and jointly make the right decisions. On budget, on time, meeting your needs and requirements. And always with you, the end user, in mind. Read our clients' user stories and discover how our road safety solutions met their and hopefully also your objectives.